Lab. for Local Human Resources and Career EducationResearch Center for Regional Co-creation Basis, Shibaura Institute of Technology

Research Overview

 Modern society faces a variety of challenges, including climate change, poverty, infectious diseases such as COVID-19, a declining population and super-aging society, and the decline of rural areas. In these uncertain and opaque times with no right answers, there is a need to realize “a sustainable society that leaves no one behind," and the human resources to take on this task are required.

 The Regional Human Resource Development and Career Education Lab, Research Center for Regional Co-creation Basis, Shibaura Institute of Technology is developing educational programs from the perspectives of sustainability science and pedagogy to foster human resources who will lead a sustainable society.

Educational programs

Future Mayor Workshop

Class Connecting to the Future

"Invisible Food loss"

(under construction)

For Contact

Laboratory for Local Human Resorces and Career Education
Reseacrh Center for Regional Co-creation Basis (ReCoBa), Shibaura Institute of Technology

 Toyosu 3-7-5, Koto-ku, Tokyo, Japan 135-8548 / Fukasaku 307, Minuma-ku, Saitama, Japan 337-8570
 +81-3-5859-9072 / +81-48-720-6437 /